The Rediscovery of Us: The Silver Lining of A Global Pandemic

Regardless of how dark the 2020s has been to date and how hard the human family has been kicked in the chest by this pandemic, we were never powerless! Each of us held, and still hold, the power to choose whether to surrender to the malaise of this moment or to vehemently ride this wave to preserve life at all costs. The fight is yet active, but we are beginning to see hope. I wonder who we will be when we get to the other side of this? That is to be seen. Yet, I am optimistic that we will emerge as a victorious people so that this interruption in our history and culture will not be for naught.

While it may seem inappropriate, I cannot, in good conscious, deny the silver linings and the portals of opportunities that opened because of COVID-19. We were given the gift to pull over from the rat race of “making a living” to repossess life. This was a unique moment in time to move at supernatural speed to revisit old put-off ventures or to create witty inventions. This was the time to repair existing relationships or establish new ones from a virtual social distance. This was the time to address our finances; buy or sell property and make giant money moves. This was the time to rediscover US!

Being quarantined, we were forced to settle accounts with our personal selves whether we wanted to or not. I am curious to know whose image we saw when we looked in the mirror. Did we see the person we have become by circumstance or the reflection of the person we always dreamed to be? I am inclined to believe it was the former. The right now question is, who showed up on our behalf in the boardrooms, offices, classrooms, restaurants and warehouses as we reopened? Our stunt-double? Or our true authentic self ready to embrace our full value? I trust it was the latter!

For the first time in a long while, the global citizenship has a real chance to paint a better reality for ourselves, our children and our world as a collective! The key is having the courage to “Become Undone”! You see, to "be undone is more than a suggestion. It is a command! It is a divine permission to fall open and unleash the totality of our beauty in its full concentration without restraint, compromise or forgiveness. It is a mandate to turn the miraculous into norms and make the exceptional the rule. It is the utter annihilation of any watered-down version of ourselves (Page, 2021).”

My hope is that we can roll off the dust of this dark season and start living fully! For we are not the same people we were when we walked into this epidemic. We are in a special moment wherein, we, as regular citizens are now in the power seat to effect change; seek positions of purpose; negotiate livable wages and set boundaries for true work-life balance. We speak of being in the age of a Great Resignation, but it may be possible that we are finally ready to take our rightful places upon our mountains in Business, Education, Entertainment, Family, Finance, Government and Religion. It is also possible that we can no longer stand to live beneath our massive potential.

Here is the good news! The windows of possibility are not yet closed. We still have room to reset our lives; create witty innovations and act upon fresh concepts that will bring us into a place of sustainability. There is still time to release the 2.0 version of ourselves by assessing the distance between who we are now and who we want to be. How we determine to close the gap will be our plan of execution that will require time, urgency, commitment and an upgrade on our personal development.

To prepare for your next big life move, consider one of the following suggestions:

  • Should your plan of action require an enhanced set of knowledge, consider earning an educational credential. To discuss a desired program of study, contact the education institution of interest to request an appointment with an Admissions Advisor.

  • Should your plan of action require a career reset, consider connecting with a Career Center for progressive career support. To sharpen your interviewing skills; update your resume or gain access to career events, schedule an appointment with your alma mater or community’s Career Advisor.

  • Should your plan of action require upward movement in you career, consider seeking professional growth opportunities with your current employer. To learn about internal leadership trainings, mentorships, stretch assignments and promotions, request a meeting with your manager and/or HR department.

  • Should your plan of action require starting or growing a business, consider contacting your local Small Business Development Center to learn about resources related to business planning, digital marketing, financial projections and more, contact your local center to request a one-on-one consultation with a counselor.

  • And should you need guidance on creating a plan of action, I invite you to schedule a complimentary coaching session.

As I bring this conversation to a close, I pray that we will effectively eradicate this illness together and that our hearts will mend from its outcomes. In the meantime, I commission each of you to "Be Undone" and to become the person you always imagined to be—leaving nothing on the table!

Until next time…here’s to the journey and let’s move forward!

Teresa K. Page, LLC | Performance Coach, Author and Speaker

Helping Professional Women Renew Their Leadership Mindset with Fresh Fire and Purpose!


Page, T. (2021, October 1st). Be undone: the destruction of Teresa Page as you knew her! Squarespace.