Making A Quality Difference in Teresa K. Page Events

As I endeavor to fulfill my mission of employing Love as the ultimate success factor to renew Women’s leadership mindset with fresh fire and purpose, it is important that I build relationships with individuals and organizations that have a heart to invest in my efforts.

Win-win sponsorship collaborations not only provides me the financial or in-kind capabilities to meet event objectives, but also allows me to a shine light on contributing organizations’ brand on-location and on social media, before, during and after events!

Interested in me push my mission forward? Check out the brand awareness opportunities below!

Thank you in advance for believing in me and the work that I do!

Should you have further questions, click the button below to schedule a “Meeting With Teresa”

The Opportunity to Engage and Share…

Author themed events provides me the opportunity to engage with the surrounding community to share the My Journey to Wholeness book series featuring the following subtitles:

Love The Success Factor


Love Letters From The Throne


The Sojourn Continues


As a Partner Sponsor, your contribution will allow me to…

Procure of an inventory of books, merchandise and prize giveaways. As well as bring awareness to your organization’s brand, goods and services on-location and social media according to your selected sponsorship level and benefits.

Check out the sponsorships levels and brand awareness benefits below…

Sponsorship Instructions…

1) Determine which of the following Upcoming Events you would like to sponsor.

2) Select your favorite Sponsorship Level above and review its tiered benefits.

3) Upon checkout, check email and save all order confirmations and act on next steps!

Upcoming Events or Opportunities…

No Scheduled Authors Events At This Time

Creating Immersive and Interactive Experiences

My Women’s Leadership Conference enables me to design an immersive and interactive experience for conference attendees that are serious about renewing their leadership mindset with fresh fire and purpose.


As a Leadership Conference sponsor, your contribution will:

Allow me absorb event expenses related to the: venue, giveaway prizes, hardship registration waivers and registration giftboxes. As well as provides you and your colleagues to attend as our esteemed guests and feature your brand, goods and services to our live or virtual audience and on social media according to your selected sponsorship level and benefits.

Check out the sponsorship levels and brand awareness benefits below…

Sponsorship Instructions…

1) Determine which of the following Upcoming Events you would like to sponsor.

2) Select your favorite Sponsorship Level above and review its tiered benefits.

3) Upon checkout, check email and save all order confirmations and act on next steps!

Upcoming Events or Opportunities

No Scheduled Conferences At This Time

Powerful Leaders Serving Our Communities…

I was so honored to be sponsored by some of the most amazing and powerful Women leaders in the Southeast Region of the United States for previous event opportunities!

Learn more about my previous partner sponsors and how they serve our communities! Connect with them to fulfill your specific needs!

Should you have further questions, click the button below to schedule a “Meeting With Teresa”