Be Undone: The Destruction of Teresa Page As You Knew Her!
A few days ago, I was reminded about an ancient passage of scripture written by the beloved scribe Enoch, which walked with the Lord. He indicated that the Lord--who is self-eternal and not made with hands--could not find peace until He made visible the creation, He created from non-being and invisible things.
According to this writing, the Lord called forth Light and commanded Light to "Become Undone"! And Light became undone and made visible all the creation that the Lord thought to create! After an age, the Lord then called forth Darkness and commanded Darkness to “Be Opened”! And during its age, Darkness became open birthing the creation of all lower things.
In the midst of these ages, the Lord made Himself a throne, sat down, said it was good and let it rip from that point forward! It was not until everything He conceived in His thoughts was made manifest that He was able to rest on the seventh day!
I hope you were able to catch what I just shared. If not, let me summarize it for you. Carrying the thought of creation, the Lord of Glory could not find peace! He was only able to rest after He created what He was carrying!! The moral? We, the very images of God, are no different from our Heavenly Father. For we will not find the peace that passes all understanding or the rest that enables us to cease from our own works until we release that deep thing we are to create in this earth realm!
This revelation has taken my breath away and has cleared the smoke to help me understand my purpose and focus for this year and beyond! It has also helped me close the books of my past by revealing the source of my restlessness felt in the past year and explaining why I had to contend with the most fierce giants that detected I was getting too close to the truth.
You see, to "Be Undone”, is more than a command! It is a divine permission to fall open and unleash the totality of our beauty in its full concentration without restraint, compromise or forgiveness! It is the utter annihilation of our former watered-down selves! It is a mandate to turn the miraculous into norms and make the exceptional the rule!! It is our opportunity to cause our Heavenly Father to marvel and say, “Now, that is good”!
Since I came into direct contact with this knowledge, I have not been right with myself. I am altered and can no longer exist as I did before these disclosures or operate with this kind of dominion download on my hands. I am becoming unrecognizable and “Teresa 2.0” is actively staging an internal revolt demanding release!
It would make me more comfortable to liken this revelation experience to a crossroad, wherein I could pretend that I have a choice in the matter and hold myself captive for another season. But, I have no such luxury! In fact, the Lord in His genius and timing has brought me to a place where I have nothing else to lose and no place to turn literally! All that remains is the opportunity to manifest the beautiful, genuine and organic treasures the He has successfully excavated in my earthen vessel.
My excavation has taken years to uncover a portion of its yield! It has required the relenting of my self-reliance; stretchings; prunings; humiliations; losses; NOs; YESs; facing my worst fears; taking hard blows to the chest; knockdowns; get-ups; the eluding of promises; the dismantling of my faith and the renewal thereof! Though I am still in transformation progress, I am learning the endurance of the aforementioned pressures and discomforts were not for naught! For what is ultimately coming to the surface is a refined purpose that will nourish this generation and the ages to come long after I am gone!
So, here’s to being undone!!
Here’s to being opened!!
Here's to the destruction of Teresa Page as you knew her!