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An Excerpt From “My Journey to Wholeness: Love Letters From the Throne - Volume I”
As the finishing touch in the Earth's creation, the Woman is swayed in dominion; fortified to subdue; prolific to be fruitful; exponential to multiply and stocked to replenish! She is comparably designed as the sole equal counterpart of the Man and built to be his match in physicality, intelligence and strength!
On all platforms of the spirit, soul and body, the Woman is the catalyst that ignites intimacy; the incubator of the generation's seed and the only creature that delivers divine DNA safely into our realm! Her mentality is hardwired to perform executive functions; defaulted to never forget and explicitly keen to recall a memory by the whiff or glimpse of the familiar. Her ability is unparallel and her emotions are acutely tuned to detect the unseen and the unheard!
Though the ages has multiplied her sorrow and subjected her to the whims of men--the Woman has prevailed! Though the world holds her in contempt for our chaotic state and often distrusts her motives--the Woman is loaded with remedies for all ailments! Though the systems discount her as mere property and a second class citizen--the Woman blossoms beautifully among the thorns and briars! Though her adversaries relish in destroying her magic and withholding rights, protection and provision--the Woman is atomically equipped to flourish and her needs are supplied by Heaven every time!!!
Consider this...
If history has proven that the Woman's success in dominion cannot be breached by the unfavorable conditions of: inequality, classism, sexism and racism-- how much more would the application of Love unlock the depths of her treasures? For, Love is the key to the Woman's glory! It is imprinted in her codes and runs in her veins! It is her fuel and ranks high above the needs of air, water or food! It duals as the source of her power and her kryptonite in the poor imitation of unrequited reciprocity!
The most inhumane act done to Women has been the conditioning that her security in love is contingent upon external factors! No other creature in creation must hang their happiness, self-worth and functionality upon this manner of madness! Nor is any other female species forced to choose love among the acquisition of: husband, children, education, career, money and materialistic ideals for fractured fulfillment!
The Woman must internalize that she was first and wholly loved in the mind of God when she was just an idea! The blueprint of her construct was formulated in His genius and released in a dimension to thrive without apology or limitation!! If the Woman ever perceives that she is perfectly loved upon arrival, she will unleash incalculable and insurmountable favor the worlds would never recover from! If the Woman ever comprehends the boundless love of Jesus Christ, she will apprehend the fullness of God and manifest in supernatural measure! If the Woman ever ascertain her totality, she will never be disarmed by the lesser or overwhelmed by the mighty again!
In His infallible wisdom, the Lord established the Woman as an outcome and the trajectory of mankind was forever altered! The Heavens made her an Earth Ruler! Man identified her as the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh! The Generations call her Mother of All Living! And Hell reveres her as Nemesis and Enmity! Truth is, the Woman is bad all by herself, yet the extent of her greatness remain untapped, restrained or locked! In its simplicity and majesty, Love is, and will ever be, the only self-activating key that will set the Woman free in all of her aspects!
With that said, my Sisters...turn the key! For our future's sake...Turn the Key!!
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