Employing Love As The Ultimate Success Factor To Renew Women's Leadership Mindset With Fresh Fire and Purpose!

I Have No Legal Right to be Without…

It is a lie of hell to believe any narrative that eludes that not asking our Heavenly Father for both our needs and desires somehow makes us more righteous. The scriptures reveal that the Lord Jesus Christ came that we might have life and more abundantly! So, at what point did we decide that it was okay to cope and settle for the cards scattered upon our tables? If we can ascertain that we have a God that is able to do exceedingly above all that we could ever ask or think, shouldn't we have the audacity to want more? 

The answer is YES!!

I have been assessing my internal inventory and found that I long ago adopted the idea that the Lord would send all I needed my way without my participation of asking and believing! Not only is there no honor or glory in such belief, but it is a cop-out! For if I can get away without requesting any gift from the Lord, then I can pompously attribute my lack to God's will to justify my complacency and far remove myself from requirement! For to whom much is given, much is required! This could work if Jesus did not leave a contradiction on record in John 14:14 indicating, "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it". Knowing this, it is almost illegal for me to be without! In fact, I have no legal right to be without!

Coping is an evil concept; for it means to come to terms with a present situation and subsist--which is a synonym to maintain oneself at a minimal level. A minimal level in sickness, poverty, abuse, irrelevant relationships, unhappiness and more! A minimal level wherein we befriend these things and become acquainted with their companions of excessive substitution meant to sedate us into a falsehood of living! Which is not life at all nor the liberty Jesus died, resurrected and lives forever more for!

There are treasures in heavenly places stored awaiting our audacity to come before the throne of grace and ask for that mercy we have need of! And once we attain such a need, we cannot reserve this supernatural mercy for just our shortcomings alone! This kind of mercy is a power source and driver for our assignments, success and kingdom conquests! 

We have a Father that so loves us and so ready to show Himself strong on our behalf, that I can no longer, in good conscious, allow Cope and its friend Subsist live in my mental capacity! They have not paid one dime in rent in all of these years and are being evicted effective immediately according to the codes and the regulations of the kingdom of God and the articles expressed in His rightly divided word! 

Come on! Let's snap out it and unplug from this matrix! We don't need a red or blue pill for this! We got the Word of God and must insist on its promises! The Lord is waiting on us to do so! We got a life to start living! Let's live!