Teresa K. Page, LLC

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The Code of Trust...

Ten years ago, I stood in my parents' living room telling my Father that though l loved him and Mama very much, I had to leave our town to follow an unction! An unction to turn aside and discover who I really am! In the process of time, I've seen too much! Endured too much! Survived too much! Escaped too much! And conquered too much!!

Yet, in pursuit of this unction, I dived deep into unknowns and observed Purpose in all of its wonder! It is without age; quick to chase and hard to kill! It cannot be forced into dormancy nor appear beyond our reach! It supersedes blood, duty and death to leave a legacy stamped on eternity's history! It is too intelligent to forget the name or face of an intended assignment nor allows rest until its execution is done! It is so imprinted on the hard drive of our DNA that it cannot be altered nor left to chance!

My encounter with Purpose, these past years, has destroyed my limitations and unraveled my former self for a greater journey. It prepared me wings mounted to cross into the realm of uncommon faith where I must trust the Lord in every inordinate aspect without normalcy! On this spectrum, Trust is a code that insists I shut my natural eyes to see my unseen Captain's visage and perfect will with a renewed mind! It is a creed that demands my agility to soar above the high clouds and go down to the sea to do business in great waters! It is an oath that forces me to let go of sure provisions to attain divine promises my senses cannot detect.

"Trust Jesus", was the only two words my Earthly Father gave me on the first day of my adulthood and I still live by that command. For while I was "seeing too much", I watched the Lord's matchless power manifest itself right before my eyes! While I was "enduring too much", the Lord was fashioning me into a kingdom heir to legitimize my seat in heavenly places! And while I was "conquering too much", I found that the name of the Lord was good with me, as I saw it wipe clean and set straight atmospheres with one utterance!

With full consciousness, I choose to trust Jesus! Not because I am perfect, but specifically because I am not! For only in my weakness is His strength perfected! My very existence is solely dependent upon the immutability of His counsel and His inability to lie! Without His integrity, my entire world would cease if just one of His words failed!! Just one...

So with the weight of that, I am walking off this page singing a hymn the old folks use to throw their heads back and sing in great triumph...

I will trust in the Lord!

I will trust in the Lord!

I will trust in the Lord until I die!

I will trust in the Lord!

I will trust in the Lord!

I will trust in the Lord until I die!
