Teresa K. Page, MBA

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Audio Interview: Women's Leadership Mindset Series Featuring Catara Lane

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ABOUT Catara

In today’s video, it is my pleasure to welcome to my virtual stage Catara Lane, CEO of CLXCONTENT of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Catara is a video editor and strategist that runs a video production agency which has edited and produced over 100 videos for use on a variety of social media platforms. She has created and edited two short documentaries which have been showcased at multiple film festivals.

Since gaining her degree in Film and Media Arts, Catara loves helping online business owners create professional videos and build trust in their brand in an effort to acquire all-important sales.

Catara is also host of the “Video With A Purpose Podcast”, wherein she teaches business owners how to use videos purposely online.


Website: www.clxcontent.com

Email: lanecatara@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/catara-lane-40a1a5187

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Cataralane

Instagram: clxcontent


A free 30-minute One-On-One Consultation to learn more and to ask questions related to video, video, editing, video marketing and more. To schedule an appointment, visit: https://clxcontent.com/discoverycall