Perfect Love Cast Out All Fear...

It is impossible for fear and love to dwell in the same space. The scriptures indicate that, " Perfect love casts out all fear"! So that stands to reason that the presence of fear is the absence of love! And where perfect love abides, fear is forbidden and has no legal right to be in the room!

Until recent, I have discounted my capacity to love because some could or would not receive it in its most genuine state! No more! I had no idea that love is the solution of all things and the greatest source of power known to man IF we know how to wield it skillfully! 

The love that is branded to my person is not for everyone and cannot be bought with a price! Yet, it is good to those that choose to bask in the light of it and must be given away freely; for who could rightly judge its value?

I will love beyond myself in Christ Jesus and will not cower to the possibility of rejection or deception! If rejection comes--let it come! If deception arises--let it arise! For this kind of living cannot be reduced to just emotion, but is a kingdom expectation that is not for the faint at heart! 

Life is way too short to be afraid and careful! I was selected to dock in this Earth to unload divine cargo and my vessel will leave this world empty of its treasure! Death will not have the opportunity to profit from anything of mine! It's all or nothing! I choose all!