America!! Stop being surprised by the blatant racism that we are witnessing on our hallowed soil. Quit being so flabbergasted; for racism is just as deeply ingrained in our nation's founding make-up as the freedom we sell to the world. When we, as a human body, stop yielding ourselves as conduits for superiority and inferiority to thrive, the gulf between us would cease to exist and world peace would become our cultural norm!
For centuries, racism has been the thinly veiled guise that has persecuted nations! It has distorted our concept of rule and forced us to subject ourselves to low degrees of heinous acts that is against nature!! For once, let us be honest about what we are really after!! What man is fighting for, and has fought for through the ages, is the recovery of our God-given assignment of DOMINION!! Though we have poorly articulated our angst through a host of "isms", the loss of this dominion has been the object of our human struggle from the beginning!
Our drive to reign is innate! It is written in the very code of our DNA by the finger of an all mighty God!! We were made to have rule over the earth, the sea, the fields, the air and each of their inhabitants! My goodness, ladies and gentlemen, we are made to create worlds with our words, command the elements and demonstrate supernatural wonder in the universe! But, let it be clear--Man was NEVER designed nor commanded to have rule over another man! PERIOD!!
What a misplaced batch of royalty we are, for we have invested bounds of wealth and natural resources over millennia to create sciences, laws, treaties and sanctions of oppression in an effort to inflict our personal will upon our equals! We have elected to downgrade our divine power to impose small territorial defeats upon one another that are only skin deep; gender deep; religion deep, wealth deep, class deep and creed deep! We have given racism and its companions too much credit and bestowed upon them a General's status to blindly lead us by the nose of our own fear and ignorance without question!
Stop tripping, America!! The displays of racism that we are so shocked to see in the 21st century can be halted right here in our life time! The power to shutdown or unleash its wrath is a two-edge sword totally wielded by our conscious decision as a people!! Hear that? It is the decision of "The People"! So, if we would decide to shut the mouth of hatred's doctrine and if we decided to activate love's true force within our realm, then we could afford to respect more and fear more and destroy less...educate more and imprison less...feed more and bury less!
We talk about greatness, but if we are going to be truly great, let us subdue racism and its cohort's grip within our city gates; annihilate their influence to make mockery of our humanity and reject our consent to act out our base nature as their personal puppets in the streets! We are better than this--if we choose!