Dear Leaders,
As an author, motivational speaker, coach and mentor, I am highly motivated to help Women renew their leadership mindset with fresh fire and purpose through the leadership authority of Love! As I endeavor to build community, I am finding that collaborating with other leaders, that are actively taking the world by storm, is one of the most inspiring ways to help Women to become the leaders we always were, as well as broaden our own audiences!
For this cause, I am most excited about this initiative of inviting guest writers or interviewees to showcase how they serve the world through their professions and purpose.
My goal is to help enhance, empower, educate, equalize and even emancipate Women in a caring, professional and universal manner. As such, this platform will never be utilized to market, impose, exploit or damage personal, political, religious or lifestyle views, but will prove to be a resource and benefit to its readers and listeners.
To begin our journey together:
Ensure this initiative is in alignment with your core values.
Schedule a “Meeting With Teresa” for a brief one-on-one.
Review the following guidelines and instructions carefully and thoroughly.
Schedule your preferred date and time.
Check email for confirmation and your credentials.
Contact me if needed to ask additional questions or clarification.
Here’s to journey! Let’s move forward!
Let’s Get Acquainted…
If you and I have not had the pleasure meeting, let’s take a moment to get acquainted before moving forward! Click the button below to schedule a “Meeting With Teresa” for a brief discuss to ensure this initiative is mutually in alignment with our personal and professional core values.
Guest’s Guidelines & Instructions…
Written Blog Style
Video Interview via WebEx
See the following guidelines & instructions based upon your decision.
Please see the Leadership Mindset Discussion Outline below.
Address all matters of the outline in 500 to 800 words in blog style or Q&A format utilizing complete sentences.
Include references for quotes, materials, resources or information that is not your own.
Ensure that your submission is proofread, edited and ready for public consumption.
Upload your final article, bio, picture and free gift to when selecting your submission deadline below. If more time is needed, you may submit your items via teresakpagellc@outlook.com at your selected submission date/time.
Please see the Leadership Mindset Discussion Outline below.
Be camera ready to discuss the following in a 30-minute interview.
Be prepared to navigate our interview in an organic conversational manner that is designed for a professional audience.
Be prepared to share references for quotes, materials, resources or information that is not your own.
Upload your final article, bio, picture and free gift when selecting your interview date/time below. If more time is needed, you may submit your items via teresakpagellc@outlook.com 48 hours prior to your selected interview date.
PERSONAL: Tell us about yourself.
Such as: Birthplace, Education & Core Values , etc.
BUSINESS: Tell us about your profession.
What motivated you to start your business or career path.
The problem your goods/services resolves.
The niche market your goods/services are designed for.
ESTABLISHING TRUST: It is determined that people want to work with or do business with people they know, like and trust. Share with us:
How you establish authentic trust with your team & clients.
How you acquire and retain your consumers.
How you improve upon the value of your goods/services to stay relevant.
Share with us the most funny or intense behind the scenes adventure you have experienced while building your business or career.
LEADERSHIP MINDSET: Every Woman is a leader that has controlling influence over a particular domain, cause, people, territory or region. Share with us:
The kind of leader you are.
How you developed your leadership mindset.
Tools and methods utilized to maintain/enhance your leadership mindset.
How you effect change within your sphere of influence.
How will future generations benefit from the work you are doing today.
LOVE IN LEADERSHIP: I believe that the effective power of Love is gamechanger that gives us an edge not just in heart matters, but provides an edge to be Innovative in business; powerful in leadership; fully present for my team and stakeholders; knowledgeable in industry trends and benevolent in our community service! Share with us:
How has Love tangibly shaped you as a leader?
How do practically implement the functionality of Love into your business model? (Ex. Core Values & Culture; Professional Development, Internal Promotion, Role Autonomy, Equal Pay, etc.)
What tip, encouragement or resource would you give to someone that is considering turning their dream career or business into a reality?
What tip, encouragement or resource would you give to someone that feels frustrated or stuck in their current career or business?
How can our audience contact and stay connected with you?
Share any special announcements such events, etc.
What your free gift (If applicable)
Guest writer submissions and interviews will be a spotlighted in the following areas upon completion:
Teresa K. Page, LLC Website
Teresa K. Page, LLC LinkedIn Profile
2-3 Linked Professional Groups I belong to.
Teresa K. Page, LLC YouTube & Spotify Channels (Audio Interviews Only)
Fresh Fire & Purpose Email List Campaign Blast
NOTE: Upon completion of distribution and spotlights, I will provide you a complete detail of URL links and graphics for you to share with your direct network.
Let’s Set Our Schedule…
Should the aforementioned guidelines align with your core values and your organization’s goals/objectives, “Book Your Date” below to schedule your blog submission or audio interview for a date and time that is conducive to your schedule.
Thank You In Advance…
Thank you in advance for committing your expertise and time toward this effort! While I cannot promise or predict any outcomes, I have high expectations that this opportunity will:
Build upon your growing community
Create lead generation or new business opportunities for your organization
Enable us to collaborate in our work in the future
Become great referral partners
Should you have additional questions, feel to contact me!
Check Out Our Previous Guests…
Have you missed out on our previous guest blogs and interviews? Click the button below to review our previous guests…