Teresa K. Page, MBA

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Beautiful Woman


For anyone that has ever worked side by side with my Mother know first hand that she can drive a sober person to hard liquor! Yet if you worked side by side with her for a few seconds more, you will also know that this Woman is a walking example of what it means to "Stand Therefore" according to Ephesians 6:10-18.

This Ole Girl is sweet as honey and hard as nails. She loves knowledge and consumes the Word of God like we consumed her signature cornbread as children! Her memory is sharper than any device and like an acrobat, she can scale the limbs of any family tree.

I have watched this Woman war on her knees; cook for kings; serve her meals on her best china and preach the most fiery sermons from her recliner lift chair. She has always strived towards perfection and willing to fight to defend that which she believes to the death.

I honor my Mother for the Warrior and Queen that she is!! I wrote this poem for her...Beautiful Woman

Beautiful Woman

An Excerpt From "My Journey to Wholeness: The Sojourn Continues"

Dedicated To My Mother: Mrs. Sarah Mae David Page

Black Beautiful Queen, shout loud your name ’til your soul burst!
Why? Because, it’s melody to the ears of this universe.
Beautiful Woman--strong and proud--know your glory
Stand your ground!

Lovely and sweet
Sassy and complete
Look at you! You’re much too fierce to accept defeat!

Exotic black orchid
Unique, peculiar and carefully defined
For no man--dead or alive--your passions deny!

So full of purpose and obviously full of worth
The blood of Jesus says, “Subdue this earth”!

Thin or round, fair or deep
Hidden from all harms, your soul Jesus keeps!
You are made fearfully and wonderfully
In Him you are made complete!

Tell your soul to dry its tears
Instruct your heart to run and yet live!
Dazzle your world with fancy--cunningly and fine
Be comely in godliness--holy and divine!

Run fast to your first love never to stray again
Ebony eyes search for your treasure,
And quickly pursue God’s plan!

Beautiful Woman with all the falsehoods that remain
Persistent to mock you
Know that you are beautiful
Know that is the truth!