Employing Love As The Ultimate Success Factor To Renew Women's Leadership Mindset With Fresh Fire and Purpose!

Love The Success Factor Women's Leadership Series



Session 1 - Love The Success Factor…

Reimaging Love beyond an emotion unlocks its atomic power to demonstrate its authority, immutability and high performance to ensure our success in all matters.

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • Love’s Nature, Character and Intelligence

  • Love’s Capabilities and Inabilities

  • Love’s High-Level Performance

Attendees will:

  • Learn how to utilize Love as a gold standard measurement to evaluate and adjust current personal and professional conditions.

  • Learn how to retool Love as a skillset to enhance their personal, professional and faith relationships, leadership competencies, decisions and creative endeavors.

  • Learn about Love’s high-level performance, capabilities and incapabilities


Session 2 - Love in Leadership…

Perfect love enables humanity to operate on an unparallel spectrum of leadership to cause our individual spheres of influence to flourish.

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • I’m Only Human?

  • The Assignment of Leadership & Authority

  • 21st Century Influence In Culture

Attendees will:

  • Understand humanity’s initial purpose of global leadership.

  • Understand that our physical bodies and senses are designed to lead, produce abundantly, multiply, gain mastery and perfect.

  • Create solutions to resolve 21st century sector issues.



Session 3 - Love Is An Equalizer…

Despite attempts and impositions of 2nd Class citizenship, a Woman grounded in the equalizing power of Love is a leadership force that cannot be stopped and a remedy to every problem society encounters.

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • The Natural Leadership of Womanhood

  • Equality Begins With Me

  • Am I In the Right Place to Help?

Attendees will:

  • Understand how Women’s physicality, intelligence and leadership qualities are equal to or different than our male counterparts.

  • Identify faith principles, practical tips and assessments that help Women access their talent DNA, leadership and personality traits.

  • Analyze if their personal or professional environment is structured for success.


Session 4- Love’s Capacity to Create…

The Woman’s creativity is often connected to what she loves or finds pleasure in. In that tendency, she has the capacity to generate wealth to support herself, family, community and future generations.

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • Your Why: The Motivation to Create

  • The Mindset to Create: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding

  • Perceiving Your Merchandise Is Good

Attendees will:

  • Understand that the tendency to create is derived from the capacity of their pleasure.

  • Apply tips on how to keep the mind in the optimal condition to create solutions.

  • Analyze how to turn their creativity into a good or service to introduce to the marketplace.

  • Learn examples of how to employ love within new or existing business models.



Session 5 - Love Guides Me Into All Truth…

Taking possession of one’s destiny takes time, development, upskilling and a specific set of experiences. For those that decide to be mentored have enough evidence to sense a significant change on their horizon and take action to get ready to meet the moment.

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • Destiny Requirements

  • The Marks of A Good Mentor & How to Select One

  • Business Model Leadership Development Ideas

Attendees will:

  • Understand how mentorship prepares Women for forward movement, positioning, preparation, risk, and legacy.

  • Apply tips on how to select a great mentor and what to expect from the mentor-mentee relationship

  • Identify how implement mentor-style leadership development initiatives right for your business model.


session 6 - love Unveils The Woman I’ve always been…

As Women, we often look externally to find our reason for living to no avail. Through strategic and intense processes of purpose development, Love has the calculated ability to help reveal, possess and manifest the Woman we always were!

This 60-minute session includes the following key topics:

  • Why Purpose Requires Pressure

  • The Diamond Effect: The Purpose Development Process

  • The Emergence From Development to Manifestation

Attendees will:

  • Understand why pressure is needed to refine one’s purpose.

  • Learn the six elevations of purpose development

  • How to capture the lessons learned into a tangible deliverable to one’s assigned territory.

Interested in Hosting this entire Conference for your Organization? Or a Stand-Alone 60-Minute Sessions for your organization?